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Summer Strain: Embrace The Season: Managing Muscle And Joint Pain During Spring And Summer Activities

In this editorial published in the latest edition of the Canadian Hometrends Magazine, Discover Arnica montana, a plant that makes you feel good and a few Boiron “must have “ from the Arnicare line, for the relief of Muscle and Joint Pain!

Here is a short extract of the editorial:

“With spring in full swing and summer knocking on our doors, there is an increase in physical activities of all kinds such as cycling, hiking, water sports, gardening, spring cleaning, painting projects or even perhaps some renovations in your home. All these wonderful activities can certainly lead to muscle and joint pain or perhaps back stiffness which will need quick relief.

Have you discovered Arnica montana yet? A perennial plant of the daisy family growing wild on acidic soils in the mountainous regions of Europe, Arnica montana holds therapeutic virtues known for centuries.Furthermore, a number of promising research studies on Arnica montana has been carried out through the years and they have proven, time and time again, its numerous health benefits.”

To read the full editorial on page 38, click here

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