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Homeopathic tubes

Wellness Tips


Back-to-School Frenzy!

Discover 6 Tips to Help Your Child Sleep Better For children, as well as their …

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Healthy Tips

Summer Strain: Embrace The Season: Managing Muscle And Joint Pain During Spring And Summer Activities

In this editorial published in the latest edition of the Canadian Hometrends Magazine, Discover Arnica …

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Healthy Tips

Soothing Pollen Allergy Symptoms, Naturally!

The arrival of spring brings milder temperatures and a renewal of nature. It also marks …

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Discover Homeopathy

Respecting your health means first of all respecting the person you are, the choices you make. Homeopathy, alternative medicine or conventional treatments …
We have made the choice to let you choose.

Nearly 6/10

people worldwide claim to have used homeopathy in their lifetime 1

10,6 million

Canadian have used homeopathy in the last 12 months 2


of Canadians who have used homeopathy in their lifetime were satisfied with it 2


of Canadian people consider that conventional and alternative medicine* are complementary 2
  • *“Alternative medicine” refers to non-conventional health care practices (hypnosis, herbal medicine, homeopathy, chiropractic, osteopathy, acupuncture, etc.), sometimes called “natural medicine” or “alternative medicine”.
  • 1 : International survey to measure the perception and use of homeopathy around the world, based on a sample of 14,340 people interviewed in 14 countries – Harris Interactive study – May 2022 to October 2023
  • 2 : Harris Interactive survey conducted among 1.050 people representative of the Canadian population in December 2022

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